Linux /
CrontabMAILTO="" #################################################################### #minute (0-59), # #| hour (0-23), # #| | day of the month (1-31), # #| | | month of the year (1-12), # #| | | | day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday)# #| | | | | commands # #################################################################### 30 01 * * * /home/jim/bin/cleartmp 59 23 * * Sun pirogram Soldan sağa ayaktakiler: -Saatin dakikası (0-59) -G�n�n saati (0-23) -Ayın g�n� (1-31) -Ay (1-12) -Haftanın g�n�(sun = paz = 0) -Belirtilen g�n ve zamandaki �alıştırılacak program As an example the following will run the script /home/steve/bin/foo after the system has been rebooted regardless of the time of day: @reboot /home/steve/bin/foo There are several shortcuts you can use in addition to @reboot. The full list is: @reboot @yearly @annually @monthly @weekly @daily @midnight @hourly |