You need to upgrade cucumber, rspec and rspec-rails.
If you run into the following error:
Then you should run the cucumber script to update your database.yml file:
If are getting the following error after your run “cucumber features”
Then you may need to install or upgrade “hoe” gem, U’ not sure though, but it worked for me.
Can’t you install “factory girl” with the following command?
Why not adding Github’s gem archive to your gem source list?
You upgraded to cucumber 0.3.103 and webrat 0.5.3, you run your features and get the following error:
It is easy to fix. Replace
You fixed the error above, but this time you see the following error:
By the way, why don’t you just create a new features/support/env.rb by running the following command?
So, you upgraded to cucumber 0.3.103 and you tried to run a feature with “—tags” or “-t” parameter like the following:
And you get the following error:
It is obvious that none of your scenarios run, why? Because as “aslakhellesoy” said: “you have to use -t @focus since 0.3.102”. But don’t worry, he also added that he was going to hack the code to display you a friendly message if you try to use tags without “@” symbol. So, to get rid of the error above, run your tagged feature like this:
aslakhellesoy kept his promise and updated Cucumber to display a friendly message in case you use ‘-t’ parameter withouth ‘@’ symbol. Related commit can be found here